Google Adsense

Everyone wants to earn money by joining Google AdSense. A relatively simple, straightforward way to start making some extra money is with Google Adsense. However, joining Google Adsense was easy in the beginning, but now some things have changed. Now, applying for Adsense requires more effort and some preparation so that you can take full advantage of their services.

First, you need a good reason to apply for AdSense so that you can take advantage of the benefits it offers. Here’s how to find out everything about Google AdSense, what they offer, and how you can take advantage. Learn more about how you can prepare yourself properly before joining.

What To Do Before Applying For Google AdSense

  What is Google AdSense?

One of the most established internet networks for publishing advertisements, AdSense uses the Pay Per Click (PPC) system to help reach others on the web. Once upon a time, Google offered AdSense to anyone who used their BlogSpot program, but now that has changed. Currently, AdSense is the most respected and trusted medium with thousands of satisfied publishers and customers using the service. It’s simple, easy to use, and always pays on time which makes this service very attractive. If you do your job properly, it will pay better than any other similar service on the web. However, joining it is very difficult. When you apply, everything must be in order otherwise you will not be approved.

Google Adsense

How to Avoid Getting Your Application Rejected

While applying for AdSense many things cannot be avoided otherwise your entry will not be canceled. Here are just a few.

Read Google Policies: Just like studying for an exam, Google posts its policies on what it takes to AdSense your site. So, take time to read them and make sure your website follows these rules.

Have Good Content: If your website does not have good or sufficient content, it will not be accepted. So make sure you have enough content for them to review. Also, the contents should be clear, professional, and grammatically correct otherwise it will cause your application to be tossed.

Aesthetically Pleasing: Garnish yellow and lots of distracting glitter will stop you in your tracks when you apply for AdSense. Your website has a good, beautiful design that is pleasant and comfortable for the visitor and easy to read.

Post Your Contact Information: If Google can’t find a way to contact you through your website, you may not be eligible to apply. For that, there should be an “About Us” page and a contact form.

Now that you’ve done the basics, it’s time to hedge your bets when it comes to applying for AdSense by adding items and procedures that will enhance your chances. While nothing is guaranteed, the following steps will help your website in getting approved.

10 Ways to Increase Your Chances When Applying for AdSense

1. Policy for Privacy

Your site must have a Policy for Privacy page to communicate the various privacy and terms. Without it, you will not be eligible to apply.

2. Contact Information

You must have a means of communication with you. At the very least, there should be an email so readers can contact your blog directly about any issues.

3. About Us

This is a page where visitors can learn about you. What your business does and how you are going to execute it. It is like your start page and it is very important while applying for AdSense.

4. Email & Name Verification

On the About Me or Contact Us page, you must provide your name and email ID so that Google can verify you.

5. Verify Age AdSense

Always use your correct name and date of birth while applying for the same. This is mostly for under-18s, but it’s important otherwise you’ll never get approved.

Google Adsense

6. Appropriate Design

Your blog should be attractive, professional, and easy to use.

7. Have Plenty of Posts

Did you know that there is no specific number of posts to join AdSense? But still, you should have at least 25 to 30 posts and posts should be at least 500 words.

8. Remember the Rules

Any posts about pornography, illegal items, drug use, or any other items will not get you AdSense. Plus, even if your posts are less than 200 words, you will get rejected from Adsense.

9. Adds Value

Your blog or website must provide real value for your audience. This will not only help keep people visiting your site, but it will also impress Google as well.

10. Unique, Top Level Domain

This means that your domain should be a “.com”. Plus, the name itself needs to be as short as possible, related to your area of interest, and easy to remember.


While applying for AdSense, you need to keep all these things in mind so that you will be accepted. However, all the features that Google AdSense needs will also make your website stronger. So, keep this in mind when you apply for AdSense because it will be a blog that will start earning you another income stream that can build up over time.

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